Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rorykins and Amypoo

I think I love these two even better then Ten and Rose. They are absolutely ridiculous and adorable and as of now completely ruined. They are so lovely because they aren't epic or crazy-awesome or game changing, they're just real and believable and sad.

This episode was one of the saddest DW episodes ever.

If they have to die, they'll die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

Vampires of Venice. My love for Rorykins exploded.

Amy and Rory on the hill that never happened.

KISS O GRAM. I know Rory is a nurse, but I'd pay top dollar for a Rory in a Roman helmet to kiss. Just sayin'.

She thought he liked it when she wore it though. :(

Yes, thank you.

Their body language together is amazing.

Really, I am so upset right now. And way, church this morning. And now I have a long to-do list which includes the laundry and it's already 3pm so...

1 comment:

Jess said...

Just stumbled on your blog, and had to completely agree with this post! Too adorable! Cry!